Advanced Diploma in NLP & NLP Coaching
Neuro-Linguistic Programming created by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in California, United States in the 1970s, is an approach which explores the relationship between how we think (Neuro), how we communicate both verbally and non-verbally (Linguistic) and our pattern of behaviors and emotions (Programming) to manifest new and better behaviours.
Entrepreneur and Manager, Sales Personnel, Employee, Parent or Student - whatever you may BE whatever you may DO, this program is beneficial to YOU!
NLP Presuppositions (Beliefs of Excellence)
The Communication model (Deletion, Distortion and Generalization)
Sensory Acuity and Calibration
Rapport building
Milton Model (Conversational Hypnotic Patterns)
Application of Milton Patterns to increase your Business Sales
Persuasive Language to get what you want from others
Parts Integration (Resolving conflict)
How to become a Powerful speaker
Representational Systems
Meta-Programs (Toward-Away, Big-Small Chunk, Match-Mismatch, Associated-Dissociated)
Perceptual Positions: How to understandothers better, and avoid conflicts
How to get rid of bad memories
Circle of Excellence
Sub-Modalities and applications
New Behavior Generator
Anchoring (Access resourceful states, whenever required)
Collapsing Anchors
Changing Limiting Beliefs
Creating New Powerful Beliefs
Swish Pattern
Fast Phobic Technique
New Code NLP State technique
Time Line Basics
Coaching using Timeline
Aligning with your purpose
Logical Levels
Walt Disney Strategy
Six Step Reframing
Godiva Chocolate Pattern
Introduction to coaching models
Metaphors (Structure & Creation of powerful metaphors)
Meta Model (How challenge influence the constraints that people put for themselves)
Core Coaching Tool
Coaching with Values
Wellness Coaching Models